Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

Dangerous Whatsapp Scams You Should Avoid

Dangerous WhatsApp Scams You Should Avoid

Las estafas de WhatsApp evolucionan constantemente, y algunos son difíciles de identificar. Sin embargo, certain methods can identify the most common red

Open-Source Cryptor Cryptonite Became a Wiper due to a Bug

Los investigadores de Fortinet estudiaron el criptor Cryptonite de código abierto recientemente aparecido, distribuido gratis en GitHub. It turned out that the creator

Fosshost, an Open-Source Project Hosting, Is Closing Down as Its Leader Disappeared

Voluntarios del proyecto de código abierto que aloja Fosshost, cuyos servicios son utilizados por GNOME, Armbiano y Debian, and the Free Software

«Your Connection is Not Private» Error — Fix Guide

Al acceder a un sitio web en Chrome, Puede aparecer un mensaje de error indicando que su conexión no es privada.. Éste…

Application Bugs Allowed to Open and Start Cars Hyundai, Genesis and Others

Expertos de Yuga Labs descubrieron vulnerabilidades en aplicaciones móviles para vehículos Hyundai y Genesis. Además, the SiriusXM smart car

around the world there are changes in the Internet traffic trends. In particular, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, raised interest in pirated sites

COVID-19 pandemic raised interest in pirated sites

Actualmente, hundreds of millions of people remain at home and

Microsoft bought the domain

Microsoft bought the domain, so criminals would not do it

The well-known IS journalist Brian Krebs drew attention to an

NASA staff hacker attacks

NASA staff faces exponential increase in number of hacker attacks

Representatives of the space agency said that recently NASA staff

Microsoft Exchange Servers Vulnerable

82.5% of Microsoft Exchange servers are still vulnerable

Information security experts from Rapid7 reported that more than 35,000

Access to cameras on Mac and iPhone

Vulnerabilities allowed access to cameras on Mac, iPhone and iPad

Apple pagó $75,000 to the IS researcher Ryan Pickren in

Increased number of "coronavirus" cyberattacks

The number of «coronavirus» cyberattacks increased to 5,000 per day

Check Point experts estimated that the number of “coronavirus” cyberattacks

PoC exploits for SMBGhost vulnerability

Specialists published PoC exploits for SMBGhost vulnerability

The March «Tuesday of updates» did not include a patch

Tesla vulnerable to DoS attacks

IS researcher found that the Tesla Model 3 interface is vulnerable to DoS attacks

Researcher Jacob Archuleta, known on the network under the pseudonym

RDP and VPN usage grew

Due to pandemic, RDP and VPN usage grew by 41% and 33%

Amid of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of remote access

Dharma ransomware source code

Dharma ransomware source code put for sale

ZDNet reports that the source code for one of the

Rare attack via BadUSB

Attackers exposed the American company to a rare attack via BadUSB

Trustwave experts published a report, en el que dijeron que…

Vulnerabilities in popular password managers

Experts have discovered vulnerabilities in popular password managers

Experts from York University explained how they managed to detect