15 Cybersecurity Myths and Denials

There are a lot of cybersecurity myths, just like about any industry that requires some specific knowledge. People often say a lot of reckless things regarding viruses, anti-malware programs and overall cybersecurity rules. That leads to the situations that sometimes are unbelievably silly situationsand possibly even money loss. Now we are here toSeguir leyendo 15 Cybersecurity Myths and Denials

6 Terrifying Samples How Marketers Use Adware

While Spyware and Adware are arguably the fastest growing malicious threats to computers, proponents of these software programs are quite an intelligent lot. Collectively, these two together hit a staggering 90% of all Internet-connected PCs, leaving behind immeasurable losses. But of the particular essence right now is the widespread use of Adware amongst sly affiliateSeguir leyendo 6 Terrifying Samples How Marketers Use Adware

Why You Should Not Clean Your PC Yourself

Are you faced with a lagging PC? One that you feel has become sluggish and unresponsive? Then worry not, because almost everybody has faced that challenge before. Sin embargo, not everybody tackled the problem the same way. While some have had good advice and guidance, others went ahead and ruined or destroyed their computer because theySeguir leyendo Why You Should Not Clean Your PC Yourself

Internet sin publicidad, cuanto mejor seria! – Sin anuncios!

In the early days of the Internet, web pages used to be filled only with content that the creator of the page wanted to share with its visitors. Pages would load relatively quickly based on your computer’s capabilities and that of the server that was hosting the pages. You were able to search topics basedSeguir leyendo Internet sin publicidad, cuanto mejor seria! – Sin anuncios!

Señales de que su computadora está infectada

The usual question many computer users ask is “what are signs of computer infection?” On some occasions, Los usuarios de computadoras sospechan que su computadora está infectada pero no pueden determinar si esto es cierto o no.. Este caso es aún peor cuando utilizan un programa antivirus antiguo o inferior que no es capaz de detectar el… Seguir leyendo Señales de que su computadora está infectada

¿Por qué pueden ser peligrosos los asistentes de voz??

Voice Assistants dangerous

Esto es 2017, and you’re not pressing the buttons on your smartphone’s keyboard anymore. You’re using the movement of your tongue to order your phone to carry out the required function. Hace unos pocos años, we could only dream about science and technology to produce something like this. Devices like Google Home, alexa, Apple SiriSeguir leyendo ¿Por qué pueden ser peligrosos los asistentes de voz??


Prevenido vale por dos, esta es la segunda parte de nuestra nueva categoría en nuestro Blog! Aquí hay una nueva amenaza., eso es realmente dificil de notar! Quizás lo tengas en tu dispositivo ahora mismo. Revisalo! TIPOS DE MALWARE EN ANDROID: » Secuestro de PowerOff ¿Crees que, que el teléfono apagado esté protegido contra… Seguir leyendo TIPOS DE MALWARE EN TU ANDROID [PARTE 2]


android malware

Todos estamos acostumbrados a que el malware sólo afecte al PC, pero cuanto más se desarrollan los teléfonos inteligentes, cuantos más virus les aparecen. Los virus de Android y el creciente número de víctimas demuestran que no debes proteger sólo tu PC con antivirus. Descargar aplicaciones de fuentes confiables (como Google Play Store o la aplicación de Amazon) no puedo garantizar un… Seguir leyendo TIPOS DE MALWARE EN TU ANDROID

How to prolong battery life of your smartphone? Battery manufacturer exposed all secrets!

smartphone battery

We all used to think that short and incomplete charging of your smartphone is bad for the battery. But is it true or another myth? Battery manufacturer Cadex says it’s a myth. They created a platform, where you can find an impressive amount of information about different batteries. You can damage a productivity of Li-ionSeguir leyendo How to prolong battery life of your smartphone? Battery manufacturer exposed all secrets!