10 Consejos para asegurar una computadora portátil durante las vacaciones 🏝️

laptop on vacation

If you plan to bring your laptop on vacation, it’s important to take steps to secure it and protect your data from cyber threats. Here are ten tips to help you keep your laptop safe while traveling: Actualiza tu software: Before you leave for vacation, make sure your laptop’s operating system and security software areSeguir leyendo 10 Consejos para asegurar una computadora portátil durante las vacaciones 🏝️

Cómo proteger tu PC de un virus, que ha infectado sistemas en todo el mundo? Ten cuidado, WannaCry puede venir por ti!

wannacry crypt

Creo que ya has oído hablar de este virus.. Durante los últimos días, se propagó a las computadoras en 74 condados! El mayor impacto que podemos ver está en China., Rusia, Perú, Francia, y Canadá. En un solo día infectó las estaciones ferroviarias alemanas., Universidades chinas, el Ministerio del Interior ruso, hospitales británicos, and other government institutions.Seguir leyendo Cómo proteger tu PC de un virus, que ha infectado sistemas en todo el mundo? Ten cuidado, WannaCry puede venir por ti!

Arriba 10 El virus más mortífero en


Computer viruses are really similar to real-life ones. They can infect thousands of PCs in just one hour, so we can call it an epidemic. Agreed, it is exciting to look at how each virus works and how antivirus programs have become necessary for anyone with an electronic device. Así que, we have made a listSeguir leyendo Arriba 10 El virus más mortífero en

Cómo convertirse en un experto en seguridad de aplicaciones (Consejos de seguridad)

Every day hundreds of new mobile applications appear in the App Store and Play Market. Some of them will have less than 10 thousand downloads, others are becoming unbelievably popular. But “popular” does not mean “safe”. Most users do not know what risks they are taking in, launching this new application. It sounds funny, pero… Seguir leyendo Cómo convertirse en un experto en seguridad de aplicaciones (Consejos de seguridad)

How can hackers crack your router?

Do you think that you are protected from hackers? Por supuesto, you are using a wireless access point with encryption. You are wrong! pull your password from the air! Hay 4 cosas, that hackers hope you won’t find out WEP encryption is unworkable for protecting your wireless network. WEP (stands for Wired Equivalent PrivacySeguir leyendo How can hackers crack your router?

Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 The biggest failure of Samsung for all history is Galaxy Note 7. Smartphones started exploding, that caused a stoppage in production and users were forbidden from taking them on airplanes. It will take a lot of time to clear the PR debacle from this company. Windows 10 We all waited forSeguir leyendo Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

The Danger of Botnet Network: How to Detect Botnet on You PC

The word «red de robots» is now ubiquitous, and almost all users know what it means. This is not surprising because this network can be virtually any device with Internet access. Such a network can infect many devices, such as desktop computers, teléfonos inteligentes, and home Wi-Fi routers. All of them may one day have weapons in theSeguir leyendo The Danger of Botnet Network: How to Detect Botnet on You PC

How to use Wi-Fi for free and keep your data private

Where do you plan to spend the most of your time this winter holidays? Malls, restaurantes, cinema, ice rink… all these places have something in common. Free Wi-Fi – we love to use this suitable option to connect to the web wherever we are. A propósito, only a few people realize what danger suchSeguir leyendo How to use Wi-Fi for free and keep your data private

Gift Shops Beware: The Importance of Cybersecurity in Online

Secure Your Gift Shopping This Winter Season! The holiday season is a time for home decoration, delicious food, y por supuesto, gift-giving. As a gift shop owner, you want to make sure that no one is forgotten, so you scour the internet for affordable and suitable presents for your customers. With dozens of websites toSeguir leyendo Gift Shops Beware: The Importance of Cybersecurity in Online