La aplicación china de detección de coronavirus transmite datos a la policía

Chinese Coronavirus Detection App
Chinese Coronavirus Detection App

El mes pasado, Las autoridades chinas lanzaron la aplicación de detección de coronavirus del Código Sanitario Alipay, que permitió a los usuarios comprobar si es necesario guardar cuarentena por contacto con personas infectadas con coronavirus. Según el New York Times, resultó que la aplicación también transmite estos datos a la policía.

While China encourages people to return to work despite the coronavirus outbreak, it has begun a bold mass experiment in using data to regulate citizens’ lives — by requiring them to use on their smartphones software that dictates whether they should be quarantined or allowed into subways, malls and other public spaces.

“New York Times analysis of the software’s code found that the system does more than decide in real time whether someone poses a contagion risk. It also appears to share information with the police, setting a template for new forms of automated social control that could persist long after the epidemic subsides”, — escribe NYT.

Users register through the application and they are assigned a QR code of a certain color (green, yellow or red), indicating their health status. The green code allows moving around freely, users with the yellow code must stay at home for seven days, and with red it means two-week quarantine.

This system is already used en 200 cities and is being implemented throughout the country, but neither the company nor Chinese officials have explained in detail how the system classifies people.

Chinese Coronavirus Detection App
Chinese Coronavirus Detection App

Según la publicación, as soon as the user gives the software access to personal data, the part of the program, marked as “reportInfoAndLocationToPolice”, transfers the user’s location, city name and identification code to the server, which allegedly belongs to the authorities. It is likely that the Chinese authorities are using similar surveillance and monitoring technologies to identify infected people.

Por supuesto, state applications that spy on citizens were not invented right nowonly recently I wrote about the ToTok UAE government spy messenger.

“While Chinese internet companies often share data with the government, the process is rarely so direct. In the United States, it would be akin to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using apps from Amazon and Facebook to track the coronavirus, then quietly sharing user information with the local sheriff’s office”, — write The New York Times journalists.

According to the developers of the application, it collects a large amount of data to automatically draw conclusions about whether someone is at risk of infection.

Por Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir es un especialista técnico al que le encanta dar consejos y sugerencias cualificados sobre los productos de GridinSoft. Está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para ayudarte con cualquier pregunta relacionada con la seguridad en Internet.

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