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Android Malware With Almost 500M Downloads Resides in Google Play
Millones de usuarios de Android pueden estar en riesgo de sufrir un ciberataque debido al malware de Android, and multiple modifications on Google…
ChatGPT Causes New Wave of Fleeceware
La inteligencia artificial es uno de los avances más significativos de la tecnología. Se utiliza de una forma u otra en todas partes.,…
Android Malware. Is Malware on Android Phone Possible?
El malware de Android es un nombre común para todo el software malicioso presente en Android. Este SO aparece no sólo en los teléfonos…
Can Someone Track My Device When Location Settings Off?
Cualquier teléfono inteligente ya tiene servicios de seguimiento de ubicación integrados. Al principio se creó el seguimiento de ubicación para la navegación., but it was…
How To Know If Your Phone is Hacked?
Si su teléfono dejó de funcionar correctamente y comenzó a mostrar errores de rendimiento obvios, entonces algo anda mal. If you notice that…
Experts showed fraudulent payments from a locked iPhone with Apple Pay and a Visa card
Scientists talked about how to make fraudulent payments using Apple…
Encryption algorithms for 2G networks have been intentionally weakened
Un grupo de científicos de varias universidades europeas publicó un…
Google stopped trying to shorten URLs in the address bar
El experimento de Google con el intento de acortar las URL (hiding parts of…
Quantum computers will be able to hack bitcoin wallets
Experts argue that quantum computers will be able to hack…
Six 0-day vulnerabilities fixed in Windows, including a commercial exploit issue
Como parte del martes de parches de junio, 50 vulnerabilities in Microsoft…
NASA has faced 6000 cyberattacks in the past four years
La NASA ha identificado más de 6000 different cyberattacks over the…
Qualcomm Mobile Station Modem vulnerability threatens 40% of smartphones
More than a third of all smartphones in the world…
Moxie Marlinspike Demonstrates Cellebrite Tools Vulnerabilities
Creador de señales, renombrado criptógrafo, hacker, investigador y anarquista Moxie Marlinspike…
Tencent and Chinese police conducted a joint operation against game cheat developers
Chinese police in collaboration with tech giant Tencent have launched…
Experts have discovered bugs in the 5G protocol that allow tracking location and arranging of DoS attacks
AdaptiveMobile specialists have published a report on new bugs in…
Expert intercepted traffic using bitsquatting
An independent expert known as Remy discovered that Microsoft domains…
Netherlands police posted warnings on hacker forums
The Netherlands police posted warnings on popular Russian and English…