Seguridad móvil

Quantum computers will hack

Quantum computers will be able to hack bitcoin wallets

Los expertos sostienen que las computadoras cuánticas podrán piratear billeteras bitcoin, but the most advanced cryptographers are in a

Six 0-day vulnerabilities fixed in Windows, including a commercial exploit issue

Como parte del martes de parches de junio, 50 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products were fixed, incluyendo seis vulnerabilidades de día 0 en Windows. Vulnerabilidades…

NASA has faced 6000 cyberattacks in the past four years

La NASA ha identificado más de 6000 Diferentes ciberataques en los últimos cuatro años., according to a recent report from the

Qualcomm Mobile Station Modem vulnerability threatens 40% of smartphones

More than a third of all smartphones in the world have been affected by a new vulnerability in Qualcomm Mobile

Moxie Marlinspike Demonstrates Cellebrite Tools Vulnerabilities

Creador de señales, renombrado criptógrafo, hacker, researcher and anarchist Moxie Marlinspike studied the products of the famous Israeli cybercriminalistic company Cellebrite

Vulnerabilities in Old GTP

Vulnerabilities in old GTP protocol could affect 4G and 5G networks

Experts cautioned that vulnerabilities in the old GTP (GPRS Tunneling

COVID-19 Contact Tracking Apps

Fake COVID-19 contact tracking apps install banking trojans

Researchers from California-based IS company Anomali have discovered 12 falso…

Qatar spyware containing COVID-19

Qatar obliged citizens to install “spyware” for containing COVID-19 pandemic

As part of the fight against the spread of coronavirus

Hackers Attacked Ghost Platform

Hackers Attacked Ghost Blogging Platform and LineageOS Servers Using Salt Vulnerabilities

According to the development team of the Ghost blogging platform,…

Discovered new exploit for iOS

For iOS was discovered a new exploit, with the help of which China traced the Uyghurs

Specialists of the information security company Volexity discovered a new

NASA staff hacker attacks

NASA staff faces exponential increase in number of hacker attacks

Representatives of the space agency said that recently NASA staff

Increased number of "coronavirus" cyberattacks

The number of «coronavirus» cyberattacks increased to 5,000 per day

Check Point experts estimated that the number of “coronavirus” cyberattacks

Malware steal Android cookies

Two new malware can steal cookies from Android apps

IS experts discovered two new malware for Android (recognized as

Android users are at risk

More than 40% of Android users are at risk of cyberattacks

Según un estudio de Qué empresa, more than 40%

Malicious extension Ledger Live

Malicious Ledger Live extension for Chrome steals Ledger wallet data

Harry Denley, Director of Security in MyCrypto discovered the malicious

IMP4GT Vulnerability Threats Smartphones

IMP4GT Vulnerability in LTE Threatens Almost All Modern Smartphones

Experts from Ruhr University reported an IMP4GT (IMPersonation Attacks in

Samsung amends Android kernel

Samsung amends Android kernel that impair security

Jann Horn, Especialista en Proyecto Cero de Google, estudió el kernel de Android,…