Seguridad móvil

operation against cheat developers

Tencent and Chinese police conducted a joint operation against game cheat developers

La policía china, en colaboración con el gigante tecnológico Tencent, ha lanzado una operación conjunta contra los desarrolladores de trampas.. 10 developers of 17

Experts have discovered bugs in the 5G protocol that allow tracking location and arranging of DoS attacks

AdaptiveMobile specialists have published a report on new bugs in the 5G protocol, thanks to which it is possible to

Expert intercepted traffic using bitsquatting

Un experto independiente conocido como Remy descubrió que los dominios de Microsoft no estaban protegidos contra bitsquatting e interceptaron el tráfico de El…

Netherlands police posted warnings on hacker forums

La policía holandesa publicó advertencias en populares foros de hackers rusos e ingleses (RaidForums y XSS), declarando que «the deployment of

In 2020, Google paid cybersecurity experts $6.7 million

Durante el año, Google pagó 6.7 million to cybersecurity experts and published statistics on bug bounty programs for 2020.

Xhelper Trojan remains on device

Xhelper Trojan remains on the device even after resetting to factory settings

El malware Xhelper continúa infectando dispositivos Android. Además, the Xhelper

Dangerous vulnerabilities in WhatsApp

Dangerous vulnerabilities in WhatsApp allowed compromising millions of users

Security researcher Gal Weizman from PerimeterX disclosed technical details of

Authorities can hack iPhone

US authorities can hack iPhone, but may have difficulties with Android

Although the US authorities are persistent in waging a “cryptographic

Airports use vulnerable sites

97 of the 100 largest airports use vulnerable sites and web applications

Specialists from the Swiss company ImmuniWeb conducted an analysis of

Government hackers attacked often

Government hackers attacked companies more often in 2019

Organizations are more likely to become victims of state-sponsored cybercriminals.

Greta Thunberg in phishing campaigns

Greta Thunberg became the most popular character in phishing campaigns

Check Point analysts prepared a traditional monthly report on the

Farewell Windows 7 updates

Microsoft released farewell updates for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

En enero 14, 2020, Microsoft dejó de dar soporte a Windows 7 para…

The most dangerous malware of November 2019

Check Point named the most dangerous malware of November 2019

Equipo de investigación de Check Point, Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd.. (Nasdaq:…

LockerGoga developers looking in Ukraine

France are looking for LockerGoga ransomware developers in Ukraine

French law enforcement agencies are looking in Ukraine for developers


What is Cyberbullying: How to Prevent It

Cyberbullying (or cyberharassment) is bullying that happens online over digital

Why PC Security Software Can’t Be Free?

Why PC Security Software Can’t Be Free?

We live in the age of computers, a world on