Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

What Is Trojan:Win32/Znyonm Detection?


Trojan:Win32/Znyonm es una detección que se ve a menudo durante la actividad de malware de puerta trasera en segundo plano.. Este tipo de malware puede aumentar los privilegios, enable

Fortinet RCE Vulnerability Affects FortiClient EMS Servers

Fortinet disclosed a critical vulnerability affecting FortiClient EMS products in March 2024. Esta vulnerabilidad, categorizado como una inyección SQL, poses

Win32/Wacapew.C!ml Detection Analysis & Recommendations

Win32/Wacapew.C!ml detection refers to programs that have suspicious properties. This can be either a false positive or a detection of


PUABundler:Win32/uTorrent_BundleInstaller es una detección de Microsoft Defender asociada con el instalador del otrora popular cliente uTorrent.. Es…

Adobe Reader Infostealer Plagues Email Messages in Brazil

Según se informa, una reciente campaña de correo no deseado por correo electrónico difunde malware de robo de información bajo la apariencia de Adobe Reader Installer.. Within a forged PDF

W3LL attacks Microsoft 365 accounts, bypassing MFA

W3LL Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts with Sophisticated Phishing Kit

En el panorama en constante evolución de las ciberamenazas, los delincuentes encuentran continuamente…

Conti and Trickbot Hackers Got Sanctioned By US and UK Authorities

NCA and DoJ Introduce New Sanctions Against Conti/Trickbot Hackers

En septiembre 7, 2023, La NCA emitió un comunicado sobre la…

Can Zero-Day Attacks Be Prevented With Patches?

Can Zero-Day Attacks Be Prevented With Patches?

En años recientes, Los exploits y ataques de día cero se han vuelto prominentes…

The United States and its allies dismantled the Qakbot financial fraud network

QakBot Botnet Dismantled, But Can It Return?

El martes, las autoridades estadounidenses anunciaron que como resultado…

Chaes Malware Receives New Update

Chae$4 Malware Released, Targets Banking & Logistic Orgs

Expertos en ciberseguridad han descubierto una nueva variante del malware Chaes…

Massive Freecycle Data Breach Exposes Over 7 Million Customers

7 Million Freecycle Users Exposed In a Massive Data Breach

Freecycle has alerted its users that sensitive information of over

SapphireStealer Review and Analysis

SapphireStealer: Stealthiness, Flexibility and Malware Delivery

SapphireStealer is one such new information stealer to steal various

DarkGate Malware Activity Spikes as Developer Rents Out It

DarkGate Loader Expands Activity, Delivers Ransomware

A new DarkGate malware deployment campaign has caught the attention

Qakbot Botnet Shut Down, Ransomware Attacks Stopped

Qakbot Botnet Hacked, Removed from Over 700,000 Machines

Qakbot, una notoria red de bots, has been taken down by a

Wilko Shopping Scams Hide as Stock Liquidation

Wilko Stock Liquidation Scams – Fake Shopping Sites

Recent events around the Wilko retail chain are sad for

Botnet of 400k Devices Was Used as Proxy Service

Botnet of 400,000 Devices Used as Proxy Nodes Uncovered

Cybercriminals used stealthy malware to create a botnet of 400,000

HiatusRAT Analysis & Recent Attack Description

HiatusRAT Used in Attacks on Taiwan Companies and U.S. Military

Recent attacks on US military systems and Taiwan companies are