Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

Frauds Exploit Twitter's Feature to Promote Cryptoscams

Cryptocurrency Scams on Twitter Exploit Post Features

Se considera que los estafadores explotan una característica de las publicaciones de Twitter, engañar a los usuarios y poner en peligro los activos digitales. This deceptive strategy hinges

What are Remote Encryption Attacks? Explanation & Mitigation

El mundo digital está experimentando un aumento en los ataques de cifrado remoto – un sofisticado ataque de ransomware. Although there is nothing

Comcast’s Xfinity Breach Exposes Data of 35.8 Million Users

Comcast confirma una brecha de seguridad masiva que afecta a su división Xfinity. Cerca de 36 million customers of the world’s largest telecom provider

Mr. Cooper’s Data Breach Affects Millions

Los piratas informáticos se han infiltrado en las bases de datos seguras del Sr.. cobre, una destacada compañía hipotecaria y de préstamos, resulting in a massive data

ALPHV Site Taken Down by the FBI

En diciembre 19, 2023, El FBI eliminó uno de los sitios de ransomware ALPHV/BlackCat. The typical FBI banner

access to OpenAI ChatGPT

Russian Cybercriminals Seek Access to OpenAI ChatGPT

Check Point analysts have noticed that Russian-speaking hacker forums are

Goose Goose Duck

Goose Goose Duck Game Servers Are DDoS-Attacked Every Day

El detective social gratuito Goose Goose Duck, which recently broke

vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins

Exploits for Vulnerabilities in Three Popular WordPress Plugins Appeared on the Network

Tres complementos populares de WordPress, with tens of thousands of active

AI VALL-E from Microsoft

Microsoft’s VALL-E AI Is Able to Imitate a Human Voice in a Three-Second Pattern

Los ingenieros de Microsoft han introducido una IA (inteligencia artificial) model for

How to protect your Apple ID: Tips to follow

Was Your Apple ID Hacked? Here’s How To Secure Your Account

Apple’s services and products are only accessible through their walled

Hackers bypass CAPTCHA

Hackers Bypass CAPTCHA on GitHub to Automate Account Creation

The South African hack group Automated Libra is looking for

Slack repositories on GitHub

Hackers compromised Slack private GitHub repositories

En diciembre 31, mientras todos celebraban el año nuevo,…

Windows 7 ESU Cancelled

Windows 7 Extended Security Update Program cancelled

En enero 8, 2023, Microsoft announced the cancellation of the

What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

Web Application Firewall: Difference Blocklist and Allowlist WAFs

Es posible que te hayas encontrado con un firewall de aplicaciones web (WAF)…

7 Top Virus & Malware Threats in 2023

Dangerous Virus & Malware Threats in 2023

Virus and malware threats are constantly evolving and become more

Security Breach Explanation & Definition

Security Breach

Una brecha de seguridad es un acceso no autorizado a un dispositivo,…

to eavesdrop on Android devices

Android Devices Can Be Monitored Using Motion Sensors

A group of scientists from five American universities has developed