Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

Qilin Targets VMware ESXi Servers Worldwide

Qilin Ransomware Focuses on VMware ESXi Servers

En un desarrollo inquietante, Investigadores de seguridad han descubierto una versión para Linux del cifrador de la banda de ransomware Qilin., specifically tailored to

Google Addresses Zero-Day Vulnerability in Chrome

En una alerta de seguridad reciente, Google ha solucionado una vulnerabilidad crítica de día cero en su navegador Chrome y en su software ChromeOS, urging

Tipalti, Roblox and Twitch Hacked by ALPHV/BlackCat

En diciembre 3, 2023, La banda de ransomware ALPHV afirmó haber pirateado un proveedor de software fintech Tipalti, Roblox y Twitch, its clients.

SugarGh0st RAT Targets Uzbekistan and South Korea

A new malicious campaign employs SugarGh0st RAT to target government agencies. Artifacts in the decoy documents hint at a potential

What is Sextortion? Explanation, Signs & Ways to Avoid

La sextorsión es una táctica específica de phishing por correo electrónico que existe desde hace bastante tiempo.. Over the last few years though

Apple ID Phishing and Scams

Apple ID Scams: Identify and Prevent Apple Phishing Email

Apple users are believed to be protected from all sorts

Black Friday Shopping Scams in 2023

Black Friday Scams: Ways to Detect & Avoid Shopping Frauds

A medida que se acerca el principal evento de compras del año, Black

Exploit for ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities

Exploit for Vulnerabilities ProxyNotShell Appeared on the Network

Experts warned that an exploit for two high-profile vulnerabilities in

Zeppelin ransomware victims

Security Experts Secretly Helped Zeppelin Ransomware Victims for Two Years

Desde 2020, Algunos especialistas en seguridad de la información han ayudado a las víctimas., como…

Zeppelin ransomware cipher was hacked and used by Unit221b to help victims

Unit221b Secretly Helped Victims of Zeppelin Ransomware for 2 Years

Security professionals at Unit221b found vulnerabilities in the Zeppelin ransomware

What Is an Evil Twin Attack and How Does It Work?

What Is an Evil Twin Attack? How Does It Work?

How often do we connect to free Wi-Fi networks in

Mirai botnet RapperBot

Mirai Botnet RapperBot Conducts DDoS Attacks on Game Servers

The researchers warned that the RapperBot Mirai botnet has resumed

How to Stress Test Your PC’s CPU

How to Stress Test Your PC’s CPU

Stress testing your CPU is the surest way to discover

PCspoF and the Orion spacecraft

PCspoF Attack Could Disable Orion Spacecraft

Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Michigan, el…

What is Pretexting in Cyber Security: Facts You Need to Know

Pretexting in Cyber Security: Facts to Know

Pretexting is a type of social engineering in which an

How safe are eWallets? How to Protect Your eWallet

What is eWallet? How to Protect Your eWallet

Durante una época de crisis, Americans turned to digital wallets

“This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection”: How to Fix

«This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection»: How to Fix

Every active Internet user has encountered error messages at least