Hemos encontrado 67 resultados para tu búsqueda.

Avast expert taught Smarter Coffee machine to ransom money

De nuevo en 2015, experts from Pen Test Partners talked about a way to hack Wi-Fi networks through the iKettle, created by Smarter, and then discovered that Smarter Coffee maker machine, created by the same manufacturer, also poses a threat to the safety of users. It even can be taught to ransom money. Two years afterSeguir leyendo Avast expert taught Smarter Coffee machine to ransom money

En julio «Martes de parches», solo Microsoft solucionó 123 vulnerabilidades

As part of the July update Tuesday, Microsoft engineers fixed 123 vulnerabilities in 13 different products. Any of them was under attack. In July did not reach the record of June Tuesday only a little, when were fixed129 vulnerabilities. The most serious vulnerability fixed this time is the CVE-2020-1350 problem, also known as SigRed, encontró… Seguir leyendo En julio «Martes de parches», solo Microsoft solucionó 123 vulnerabilidades

Criminals hacked more than 60 ad servers to distribute malware

Confiant experts found that in the past nine months (desde agosto 2019), unknown criminals have hacked more than 60 ad servers in order to inject their malicious ads onto a wide variety of sites. Como resultado, visitors of such resources are redirected to sites with the download of malware. This campaign is called TagSeguir leyendo Criminals hacked more than 60 ad servers to distribute malware

Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so criminals would not do it

The well-known IS journalist Brian Krebs drew attention to an interesting fact: this week Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so that criminals would not do it. The sum of transaction is not disclosed. Krebs first turned his attention to this domain when a man named Mike O’Connor, who owned it for 26 años, put itSeguir leyendo Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so criminals would not do it

Los investigadores encontraron alrededor 700 subdominios problemáticos de Microsoft

Los investigadores de vulnerabilidad encontraron aproximadamente 700 subdominios problemáticos de Microsoft y capturó uno de ellos para demostración. Michel Gaschet, un especialista en seguridad de la información, reported about the problem back in February, y ha estado informando a Microsoft sobre sus numerosos subdominios vulnerables durante muchos años. “La empresa tiene miles de subdominios a su disposición., many of which can beSeguir leyendo Los investigadores encontraron alrededor 700 subdominios problemáticos de Microsoft

La vulnerabilidad Cable Haunt amenaza a millones de módems con chips Broadcom

Danish researchers have published a report on the Cable Haunt vulnerability that threats millions of cable modem with Broadcom chips. Según los expertos, the problem threatens more than 200 million cable modems only in Europe. Además, es imposible determinar el número exacto de dispositivos vulnerables, because the vulnerability was found in the referenceSeguir leyendo La vulnerabilidad Cable Haunt amenaza a millones de módems con chips Broadcom

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Today almost every aspect of our life has moved online. And we can be quite happy about it because you no longer need to waste a whole hour to commute to work, you don’t need to go to the bank to make a deposit or you don’t need to go to a shopping center toSeguir leyendo Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About