Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

WordPress plugin Ultimate Member

Hackers Actively Exploit the 0-Day Vulnerability in the Ultimate Member WordPress Plugin

Los piratas informáticos explotan activamente una vulnerabilidad de día cero en el complemento de WordPress Ultimate Member para aumentar los privilegios: with the help of this

BlackCat Ransomware Employs Malvertising In Targeted Attacks

Recientemente, actores maliciosos comenzaron a utilizar publicidad maliciosa para difundir el ransomware BlackCat.. Utilizan páginas web clonadas de aplicaciones gratuitas populares, particularly WinSCP

MITRE Compiled a List of the 25 Most Dangerous Bugs

Los especialistas de MITRE han publicado una lista de los 25 Los errores de software más peligrosos de los últimos dos años. Él…

The Number of Companies Affected by Attacks on Vulnerabilities in MOVEit Transfer Increased

Las consecuencias de explotar una vulnerabilidad de día 0 en la solución de gestión de transferencia de archivos de MOVEit Transfer continúan extendiéndose. The total number

8Base Ransomware Group On The Rise, Lists a Number of Victims

En junio de este año, una nueva ola de ciberataques y operaciones de extorsión, organizado por el grupo criminal 8Base, swept

PYSA cyber-extortion group

Experts Analyzed the Activities of the PYSA Cyber-Extortion Group

Specialists from the Swiss cybersecurity company PRODAFT have published the

RuRansom malware destroys data

RuRansom Malware Destroys Data in Russian Systems

Los especialistas de VMware hablaron sobre la actividad del limpiador RuRansom,…

Anonymous and the Russian Ministry of Culture

Anonymous hackers published the mail database of the Ministry of Culture of Russia

The media discovered that Anonymous hackers had made public a

The US won’t cooperate with Russia on ransomware anymore

The US won’t cooperate with Russia on ransomware anymore

The US suspends its cooperation with Russia on ransomware criminals

Raid Forums shutdown as the result of Operation Tourniquet

RaidForums shutdown as the result of Operation Tourniquet

La cadena de organismos internacionales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley – Europol, FBI,…

Hacker resource RaidForums

Law enforcement officers closed the hacker resource RaidForums

Durante la operación internacional TORNIQUETO, que fue coordinado por Europol,…

FFDroider Stealer - the new hazard to your social networks

FFDroider Stealer – the new hazard to your social networks

FFDroider is an example of a modern stealer malware that

Meta infostealer malware

Meta Infostealer Malware Spread via Spam

Meta, un malware de robo de información recientemente diseñado, is distributed via a

Conti source codes

Leaked Conti ransomware source codes were used to attack Russian authorities

En marzo 2022, the source codes of the Conti malware

Hydra Shut Down

Hydra Market Shut Down by the German Authorities

Los Estados Unidos, junto con sus aliados europeos, has managed

assassination site

Fraudsters arrested for years running fake site to order assassinations

Romanian police have arrested five men behind the dark web’s

Lapsus returned from vacation

Hack group Lapsus$ returned from «vacation» and announced the hacking of Globant

The Lapsus$ extortionist group has returned from a “vacation” despite