Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

Condi malware builds a botnet

Condi Malware Builds a Botnet from TP-Link Routers

En Mayo 2023, un nuevo malware Condi, enfocado en DDoS para alquiler, apareció. It builds a botnet and conducts attacks

Over 100k ChatGPT Accounts Are For Sale on the Darknet

Según un nuevo informe, durante el año pasado, más de 100.000 usuarios de ChatGPT’ accounts have been compromised using malware to

How Can Companies Be Secure Against Cyberattacks?

Las organizaciones enfrentan una realidad alarmante en el mundo digital: Las violaciones de datos y los ciberataques son cada vez más frecuentes.. Los ciberdelincuentes encuentran más…

APT28 Attacked Ukrainian and Polish Organizations

Futuro grabado, en colaboración con investigadores del CERT-UA, has unveiled a recent cyber offensive orchestrated by Russian-speaking hackers affiliated with the

Freaky Leaky SMS: Message Delivery Report Can Be Used to Determine the Location of the Recipient

Los investigadores han creado un ataque de canal lateral llamado «SMS extraños con fugas», which allows finding out the location of the recipient of

Hive ransomware master key

Researchers found a Hive ransomware master key via cryptographic vulnerability

A group of South Korean researchers from Kunming University published

Firefox 100 and Chrome 100 may have user-agent issues

Firefox 100 and Chrome 100 may have user-agent issues

Mozilla developers have warned that sites may experience problems with

Linux kernel vulnerabilities

Google Offers up to $91,000 for Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities

Google has almost doubled its rewards for vulnerabilities in the

fix 0-day vulnerabilities

Google analysts noticed that software vendors began to fix Zero-day vulnerabilities faster

Google Project Zero specialists presented a report according to which

Maze Egregor Sekhmet

Decryption keys for Maze, Egregor and Sekhmet ransomware were posted on the Bleeping Computer forum

The Bleeping Computer forum published master keys for decrypting data

BlackCat and DarkSide

Experts linked BlackCat (ALPHV) ransomware to BlackMatter and DarkSide groups

A Recorded Future analyst interviewed a member of the hack

0-day vulnerability in Zimbra

Chinese hackers use Zimbra 0-day vulnerability to hack European media and authorities

Security firm Volexity has warned that a previously unknown Chinese

Critical UEFI Vulnerabilities

Critical UEFI Vulnerabilities Threaten Devices from 25 Manufacturers

Los analistas binarios han descubierto 23 Vulnerabilidades críticas UEFI de InsydeH2O,…

0-day vulnerability in Microsoft

0-day vulnerability remained unpatched for 2 years due to Microsoft bug bounty issues

Como parte del martes de parches de enero, Microsoft fixed a dangerous

macOS camera and microphone

Apple paid $100,000 for macOS camera and microphone hack

Information security researcher Ryan Pickren told how he received a

exploits for Microsoft Outlook

Zerodium offers up to $400,000 for exploits for Microsoft Outlook

Well-known exploit and vulnerability broker Zerodium announced that it is

TrickBot causes crashes

TrickBot causes crashes on the machines when cybersecurity experts studying it

TrickBot malware has received new features that make it more