Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

ChatGPT and malicious packages

Hackers Can Use ChatGPT Hallucinations to Distribute Malicious Packages

Según la empresa de gestión de riesgos y vulnerabilidades Vulcan Cyber, attackers can manipulate ChatGPT to distribute malicious packages to software developers.

What is «Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated»?

Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated appears to be a new scary scam approach used to trick

How to Defeat Insider Threat?

En el mundo digital actual, organizations face more risks than ever due to fast-paced technological changes. Sin embargo, while external cyber

Microsoft Researchers Link Clop Gang to MOVEit Transfer Attack

Microsoft has linked the Clop ransomware gang to a recent attack that uses a zero-day vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer

ChatGPT has become a New tool for Cybercriminals in Social Engineering

Artificial intelligence has become an advanced tool in today’s digital world. Puede facilitar muchas tareas, help solve complex multi-level

information about DarkSide operators

US authorities offer $10 million for information on DarkSide operators

El gobierno de Estados Unidos ha ofrecido una $10,000,000 recompensa por cualquier…

Trojan Source Attack

Trojan Source attack is dangerous for compilers of most programming languages

Científicos de la Universidad de Cambridge, Ross Anderson y Nicolás…

termination of BlackMatter

Operators of the BlackMatter ransomware announced the termination of activity

Los piratas informáticos detrás del ransomware BlackMatter interrumpen su actividad…

hacked Wi-Fi in Tel Aviv

Expert hacked 70% of Wi-Fi networks in Tel Aviv for research

Ido Hoorvitch, especialista en CyberArk, hackeado 70% de redes Wi-Fi en…

Facebook sues Ukrainian

Facebook sues Ukrainian who sold data of 178 million users of the social network

The company Facebook has sued the Ukrainian Alexander Solonchenko for

DarkSide moved $7 million

After REvil shut down, members of the hack group DarkSide hastily moved $7 million

Information security specialists noticed that at the end of last

REvil Hacked by Law Enforcement Agencies

Media said that the REvil sites were hacked by law enforcement agencies

Reuters reports that the recent shutdown of the REvil hack

vulnerability in Surface Pro 3

Microsoft warns of dangerous vulnerability in Surface Pro 3 devices

Los ingenieros de Microsoft han publicado un boletín de seguridad sobre un nuevo…

95% of ransomware target Windows

VirusTotal said that almost 95% of ransomware target Windows

VirusTotal specialists presented a large report on the recent ransomware

decryptor for BlackByte ransomware

Free decryptor for BlackByte ransomware published

Experts from Trustwave have released a free decryptor utility for

REvil stopped working again

REvil ransomware stopped working again, now after hacking sites

El cifrador REvil dejó de funcionar nuevamente – all operations were

block access to pirated sites

VPN hosting provider agrees to block access to pirated sites

Hosting provider Sharktech has settled a copyright infringement lawsuit filed