Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

US Authorities Warn of Disaster-Related Scams

US Authorities Warn of Disaster-Related Scams

Después de desastres naturales y condiciones climáticas adversas, there is a higher chance of fraudulent activities as scammers prey on vulnerable individuals

CAPTCHA in Discord Asks Users to Find Non-Existent Objects Created by AI

Users complain that the Discord CAPTCHA provided by hCaptcha forces them to look for non-existent objects created by AI in

GitLab Releases Patch to Critical Vulnerability

GitLab, uno de los repositorios de código más famosos del mundo, enfrenta problemas críticos de seguridad en la última actualización. Aside

GoDaddy Refund Phishing Emails Spread Infostealer

Los piratas informáticos comenzaron a utilizar los correos electrónicos de reembolso de GoDaddy como disfraz para engañar a los usuarios para que instalen malware.. In order to deploy

Philadelphia Inquirer is Struck by Cuba Ransomware

El investigador de Filadelfia, El periódico más grande de Filadelfia por circulación y el tercer periódico de mayor duración en los EE. UU., suffered a cyberattack on May 15,

Hackers exploit ProxyShell vulnerabilities

Hackers exploit ProxyShell vulnerabilities to install backdoors

Los expertos advierten que los piratas informáticos están atacando los servidores de Microsoft Exchange, exploiting

Print Spooler Vulnerability

Microsoft Warns of New Print Spooler Vulnerability

Microsoft has released a notice of a new vulnerability in

patches for 44 Microsoft vulnerabilities

Microsoft releases patches for 44 vulnerabilities, including three 0-days

Como parte del martes de parches de esta semana, Microsoft released patches

FlyTrap Android malware

FlyTrap Android malware compromised over 10,000 Facebook accounts

Según los expertos de Zimperium, Android malware FlyTrap hijacks Facebook

Ukrainian fighters against pirates

Ukrainian fighters against pirates asked Google to block

The TorrentFreak media reports that Vindex, Luchadores ucranianos contra los piratas.,…

RansomEXX attacked Gigabyte

RansomEXX ransomware attacked Gigabyte

RansomEXX ransomware operators attacked a large Taiwanese computer hardware manufacturer

Vulnerabilities in Amazon Kindle

Vulnerabilities in Amazon Kindle Allowed Taking Full Control of the Device

Check Point researchers reported that in April of this year,…

Google fired employees

Google fired dozens of employees for data abuse

The Vice Motherboard has obtained internal Google documents stating that

New BlackMatter ransomware

The new BlackMatter ransomware was created by the authors of recently «closed» DarkSide

La semana pasada, experts noticed the emergence of a new ransomware

PwnedPiper problem

The PwnedPiper problem poses a threat to 80% of US hospitals

Armis company has released details of nine vulnerabilities collectively known

malware under the mask of the Brave

Scammers spread malware under the mask of the Brave browser

Los especialistas de Google detuvieron una campaña publicitaria maliciosa en la que estafadores…

most attacked vulnerabilities

Experts published a list of the most attacked vulnerabilities in 2020-2021

Expertos del FBI, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU.…