Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad
MSMQ Vulnerability Allows Remote Code Execution
Actualización reciente lanzada por Microsoft, un martes de parche de abril, reveló una vulnerabilidad grave en el mecanismo de Microsoft Message Queue Server. esa vulnerabilidad…
Hackers Infect eFile Tax Filing Service with Malware
El servicio de archivos electrónicos, utilizado por muchos estadounidenses para presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos y autorizado por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos de EE. UU.…
Top 3 Vulnerabilities of 2023: How to Block and Prevent
Cualquier ciberataque exitoso comienza con la penetración en la red objetivo.. Los ciberdelincuentes deben superar las defensas de la red, si es un ladrón, Secuestro de datos,…
Rilide Malware Steals Data from Chromium Browsers
Los especialistas de Trustwave SpiderLabs hablaron sobre el nuevo malware Rilide, que roba datos confidenciales y criptomonedas, dirigido a navegadores Chromium. Básicamente, Rilide…
Rorschach Ransomware Analysis
Recent research from the CheckPoint Research team revealed a new ransomware sample that can potentially beat all samples currently present…
DTLS can amplify DDoS by 37 times
Netscout warns that using of the DTLS vector allows hackers…
REvil spokesman boasts that hackers have access to ballistic missile launch systems
Un representante de Revil bajo el seudónimo Desconocido, claims that the…
Microsoft Introduces One-Click ProxyLogon Fix Tool
Los desarrolladores de Microsoft han lanzado una herramienta llamada EOMT (Exchange On-premises…
Google experts published PoC exploit for Specter that is targeting browsers
Google engineers published a PoC exploit to demonstrate the effectiveness…
GitHub removed ProxyLogon exploit and has been criticized
The administration of the GitHub service has removed a real…
Researcher Published PoC Exploit for ProxyLogon Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange
An independent information security researcher from Vietnam has presented a…
What is Discord virus? Investigating a new online fraud
Discord virus is only the name of a spamming campaign…
Hackers gained access to surveillance cameras in Tesla, Cloudflare and banks
Bloomberg reports that some hackers have gained access to surveillance…
Dogecoin scam: send credentials and pay $300
La estafa de Dogecoin es solo una parte del fraude en línea…
Hackers attacked Microsoft Exchange servers of the European Banking Authority
Hackers attacked the servers of the Microsoft Exchange European Banking…
Expert intercepted traffic using bitsquatting
An independent expert known as Remy discovered that Microsoft domains…
The expert told how he hacked into a nuclear power plant
carlos hamilton, the chief security expert of the SpiderLabs team…