Noticias, Consejos, Laboratorio de seguridad

damage from cyberattacks in 2022

The FBI Said That the Damage from Cyberattacks in 2022 Exceeded $10 Billion

Centro de denuncias de fraude en Internet del FBI (IC3) ha publicado su informe anual 2022 Informe sobre daños por delitos en Internet y ataques cibernéticos. Durante…

North Korean Hackers Attack Cybersecurity Specialists by Offering Them Jobs via LinkedIn

Los expertos de Mandiant notaron que los piratas informáticos norcoreanos centraron su atención y sus ataques en los especialistas en seguridad de la información.. Attackers try to

Incoming Silicon Valley Bank Related Scams

Los eventos alucinantes a escala mundial siempre atraen mucha atención. Creadores de noticias, politicians and simple rubbernecks pay a lot of attention to

Mobile Malware Threat Landscape — 2022 Summary

Hoy, Un teléfono inteligente es mucho más que una simple forma de comunicarse con alguien por teléfono.. Our smartphones contain valuable

Emotet Has Resumed Activity after a Three-Month Break

Los expertos notaron que esta semana Emotet reanudó su actividad y después de tres meses «descansar» began to send malicious spam again.

SolarWinds hackers cloud resources

Microsoft says SolarWinds hackers hunted for access to cloud resources

Microsoft continues to investigate the supply chain attack that SolarWinds

web skimmer in Shopify stores

New web skimmer found in Shopify, BigCommerce, Woocommerce and Zencart stores

Sansec experts have discovered a new multi-platform MageCart skimmer capable

The researcher earned 2000000 on HackerOne

Researcher Earned More than $ 2000000 on HackerOne

Los representantes de HackerOne dijeron que el especialista rumano en ciberseguridad Cosmin Iordach (@inhibidor181)…

US Treasury Department Mailboxes

SolarWinds hack allowed Russian attackers to infiltrated dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes

El senador estadounidense Ron Wyden, a member of the US Senate

MitM certificate of the Kazakhstan

Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla block MitM certificate of the Kazakhstan government

A principios de diciembre, Kazakhstan authorities for the third time attempted

In SolarWinds, the Supernova and CosmicGale malware

Microsoft: Supernova and CosmicGale malware detected on systems running SolarWinds

Continue studies oт large-scale attack on the supply chain, para…

AIR-FI turns RAM into Wi-Fi

AIR-FI attack turns RAM into a makeshift Wi-Fi signal source

Experts from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University have demonstrated the AIR-FI attack,…

Malicious packages in RubyGems

Malicious packages found in RubyGems repository again

Sonatype experts have discovered the pretty_color and ruby-bitcoin malicious packages

SolarWinds was hacked

SolarWinds was hacked because its credentials were publicly available on GitHub

Earlier this week was reported a massive attack on the

Heavy ad blocker in Chrome

Heavy ad blocker started working in the Google Chrome

A principios de este año, Google Chrome developers announced about adding of

PgMiner attacks PostgreSQL DBs

PgMiner botnet attacks poorly protected PostgreSQL DBs

Palo Alto Networks ha descubierto la botnet PgMiner, which attacks

Flash content be blocked

Flash content will be blocked from January 12, 2021

Adobe released the latest Flash update this week and is