How to prepare your kids for school? – Secure ours Kids!

How to prepare your kids for school? - Secure ours Kids!

It is not a secret that our children do not just usar La Internet, but they literally live on the Internet. Even if parents think that they know everything about little offspring they are wrong. Recent surveys say that almost 90% of children (de 10 a 16 años) won’t tell parents about unpleasant accidents that happened on social media. Most parents don’t know on which platforms their children are registered (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Gorjeothe most innocent ones). Even considering that there a lot of information for children about Internet threats, ellos son just children. You can’t expect prudence and caution of an adult from them. But the good news.

You can secure kids with very simple steps. Así que, hurry uptake their laptop and let’s get started!

Secure Kids!

    • Parental controls

There a lot of apps, that allows you to control the time your child spent on the web. Puede bloquear some sites, that you think are suspicious or your child spent too much time on them (medios de comunicación social, Por ejemplo). Puede track what your child is searching, what pages visiting, when and for how long. Is it a great option isn’t it? So that you will be sure, that nothing and no one treating your kid.

Parental controls

    • Privacy settings

So big control is not always a good idea, kids should feel responsible for actions. So we recommend just to change settings in the browser, social media accounts and so on. Por ejemplo, disable a possibility to receive messages from strangers (not friends) on Facebook, set up filtering of inappropriate YouTube content etcétera. This way you let the child learn everything on its feet, but anyway he or she will be secured.

Privacy settings

    • Strong passwords

Teach your child to use a strong passwords and explain the importance of it. Use numbers, simbolos, upper and lower case letters in the password. También, use a different password for different accounts. Each site has a different security system, so if someone hacks your account on random music sites they will get access to all accounts! Including banking information. The child should know all of this and understand the possible danger.
Strong passwords

    • Check apps

It is not a secret, that some apps receive an access to you gallery, cámara, microphone and so on. It is not so hard to imagine how badly it can be if the access receives cyber criminals. Even downloading apps from reliable sources like Play Market, Amazonas and so on cant give a guarantee that the app is safe. The most popular way to infect PC or smartphone is using a bundling technique. So you download one app and alongside installs the second one without your concerned. We have already posted few articles about threats on Android and believe us, you will be sorprendido! Así que, check regularly what is installed on your child’s devices and if you see anything suspiciousremove it as soon as possible and scan the system.
Check apps

    • Install security software

The easiest way to prevent unwanted apps y fuga de datos is to use a strong protection. It will be easy to clean your PC and device of your child in one click and avoid suspicious software in the system.

Por Polina Lisovskaya

Llevo muchos años trabajando como responsable de marketing y me gusta buscar temas interesantes para vosotros.

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