Saint’s Patrick Day’s Traps you Should Be Alert Of

The historical symbol of Patric’s is used by celebrating Saint’s Patrick Day to demonstrate Christianity and its positive role to develop a strong community. Saint’s feast day is celebrated on the day when the patron saint died. His real name was Palladius. He was born in Scotland in the 14th century. Kidnapers sold him into slavery when he was a teenager. He gets back to Scotland as an adult.

This traditional actually originated by the Catholics. While celebrating this day they remember the efforts of Saint Patrick. This celebration leads to the parade and gets an importance of annual rate. People observe this day as a religious event and enjoy their holiday. A huge marketing push is seen on this religious day. The overall purpose of this day is to spread harmony and create a positive image of Christianity. Lost and stolen frauds become common at this event. The possible impact is to invest the existing regulations for appropriate security and monitoring procedures. It is observed that people ignore the importance of this day and replace it with a term of ‘Money Laundering’.

This money laundry process takes place at such grand events. There are many stages involved in this process. Placement takes places in the form of physical movement which can be derived from illegal activities. Then through layering, they separate their illegal source through different transactions so that they can save themselves from the investigation. After this process, they convert this money through integration that apparently looks like legal and they can easily use this illegal money in different agendas.

This money laundry diversity is notable in Saint’s Patrick Day. People use fake lotteries and online traps to earn false money. These online traps apparently providing the services to the customers with the help of different associations. This fake lottery is considered as small non-financial business. In this way, they can easily trap people. People who are expert in this fraud launch different policies, and for accepting this insurance kind of policies they take upfront lump sum amount from people. They provide them with a fake incentive that they will get the profit on an annual basis. This technique increases their popularity and clients as well.

They gave them discounts and with that requiring fees trap them in different penalties. In launching these lotteries they take care of investigation process. If they launch an online website for trapping purpose for a short term period. They take advantage of people on an instance basis. As, if they can’t handle their clients at least they take the maximum benefit from them. For a long term process the risk of investigation in negligible. There is a lower risk of detection. It becomes attractive for the clients because they did the same thing but with the proper rules and regulations. In this way, they can do more fraud with the people and take more advantage.

Saint’s Patrick Day is a 24-hour period of the day in every year. Instead of celebrating people want to use these 24hours in fraud. People know different tactics with the underlying reality of fraud. Every year millions of people in different parts of the world being looted while celebrating this day. Meanwhile, on an international level, every country and Catholic tribes are trying to impress other communities with their culture. But in reality, this religious feast celebration takes another turn except for Christianity missionary. This global celebration of Irish culture is facing the worst of its role which was quite religious. This day becomes an economy and earns money day for people.

On this day people not only use lotteries for trapping others. They are much aware of emotional traps. As for Catholics Saint’s Patrick Day is the most important day of the year and they pay tribute to their Saint. This is considered the best time for the criminals to play with the emotions of the people and earn money. They use the technique by eliciting a high level of trust on people. After getting trust they manipulate the victim and ether their state on them. In this case, once the victim is parting the money then it means they are ready for another psychological trap. In this trap, they give more money with the belief that they will get back their money with more profit.

Criminals make sure that the victims start believing on this thing that they will get a better life through this lottery winning. This trapping technique works and even more strengthen their motivation and they take the faulty decision. Victims who can easily trap through this psychological impact feel guilty so that they cannot share their fraud stories with other. In this way, criminals trigger more people and this thing will be raised more rapidly with time.

People celebrate Saint Patrick day for Good luck. For good fortunate, they participate in different activities. The cultural association with the term “the luck of Irish” force them to take a risk. In this way, they cannot fluctuate to buy the lottery tickets on this grand day. It is believed that there are special powers to combat the evil. So they get profit if they can spend their money. But the sad reality is they are incorporating with the evil powers in the form of money laundering criminals. This “luck” traditional involves pride which is also a symbol of this tradition of celebrating this day. Due to these money looting crimes through different sources peoples, luck and good fortune become unluckiness and misfortune.

People become quite altruistic. The image of looting people is different in different scenarios.

With this change of fraud technique, people lost a sense of security, protection in their own community. They start thinking now they have to do what they require for survival. Under such intense pressure, innocent people again accept the looting technique. With their insecurities, they have left with no option they have to accept all these techniques because in this era everyone is busy in satisfying their needs. We can take an example of a national by assessing the situation why he is taking a risk of buying a lottery and accessing a web content. If we consider a person with a low income who has minimum resources and possessions to spend and enjoy the life. He has no sources for the life insurance as well.

Such kind of people always looking for better options to be a part of the community. These people are always ready to take such risks especially on any religious event like Saint’ Patrick Day. They consider this trap a Good Luck omen. They just think by buying such policies they can change their life style. This kind of spectrum reflects the usual human behaviour, emotions and actions. This is the main reason fraud intensity is seen on this day of Saint’s Patrick.

People are destroying their own communities by using this kind of fraud techniques for looting other people. This plays a vital role in creating a depraved image of Christianity among other communities. This issue should be raised through media coverage so that people pay serious attention to this and take steps for change. It doesn’t mean people start avoiding each other but before trusting and buying such lottery tickets they must acknowledge the risk fact. The only thing people need to understand don’t push the luck and fall for free prizez and incentives.

Por Polina Lisovskaya

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