El blog de seguridad de Gridinsoft

fake dating site

Scammers Use Fake Dating Sites to Steal Money

Los expertos de ReasonLabs han descubierto un esquema malicioso inusual que ha estado funcionando desde 2019 – carders used fake dating

Hackers Use CircleCI Fake Notifications to Access GitHub Accounts

GitHub advierte que en septiembre comenzó una campaña de phishing a gran escala dirigida a los usuarios 16: scammers send emails with fake notifications

LockBit 3.0 Builder leaked to the public

En septiembre 21, 2022, a new Twitter user Ali Qushji published what is supposed to be a LockBit Ransomware builder.

Gamaredon Hack Group Uses New Malware to Attack Ukrainian Organizations

Los analistas de Cisco Talos escriben que el grupo de hackers de habla rusa Gamaredon (también conocido como oso primitivo, lombriz, IronTiden y Calisto) is attacking Ukrainian

Attackers Began to Embed Keyloggers in Phishing Pages

Analistas de la empresa Cyble registraron una interesante campaña de phishing contra usuarios de Grecia: attackers began to embed keyloggers into

Hackers Scan Microsoft Exchange

Hackers scan network for vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers

Information security experts warn that hackers are already scanning the

Kr00k Wi-Fi Chips Vulnerability

Kr00k Wi-Fi-chips vulnerability affects over a billion devices

en la RSA 2020 conferencia, ESET specialists spoke about the

Phishing sites use SSL

Almost three quarters of modern phishing sites use SSL

Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) experts in their new report on

IMP4GT Vulnerability Threats Smartphones

IMP4GT Vulnerability in LTE Threatens Almost All Modern Smartphones

Experts from Ruhr University reported an IMP4GT (IMPersonation Attacks in

WhatsApp Groups Indexes Google

Google Search Indexes WhatsApp Private Groups

El buscador de Google indexa las invitaciones a grupos de WhatsApp (including links

WhatsApp Phishing URLs

Number of linked with WhatsApp phishing URLs increased by 13 467%

Según el informe de Vade Secure, the number of phishing URLs

google adsense

Google AdSense users receive threat emails

Intruder sends threatening and ransom letters to website owners and

FSF sent to Microsoft HDD

FSF sent Microsoft developers an empty HDD for Windows 7 sources

La Fundación de Software Libre (FSF) sent Microsoft developers an empty

Samsung amends Android kernel

Samsung amends Android kernel that impair security

Jann Horn, Especialista en Proyecto Cero de Google, estudió el kernel de Android,…

Xhelper Trojan remains on device

Xhelper Trojan remains on the device even after resetting to factory settings

El malware Xhelper continúa infectando dispositivos Android. Además, the Xhelper

Microsoft recommends disabling SMBv1

Microsoft recommends Exchange administrators to disable SMBv1

Microsoft strongly recommends administrators disable the SMBv1 protocol on Exchange

0-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer

Microsoft fixed 0-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer and 99 more bugs in its products

Recent February “update Tuesday” became the largest for Microsoft in