El blog de seguridad de Gridinsoft

Lorenz and Mitel ransomware

Lorenz Ransomware Penetrates Company Networks through Mitel VoIP Products

Security firm Arctic Wolf has warned that Lorenz ransomware is exploiting a critical vulnerability in Mitel MiVoice VoIP devices to

Ransomware publishes data stolen from Cisco

El grupo de hackers Yanluowang publicó datos robados de Cisco en mayo 2022. Cisco representatives acknowledged that the data leak

0-day Vulnerability in WordPress BackupBuddy Plugin Attacked Over 5 million Times

Los analistas de Wordfence han descubierto una nueva vulnerabilidad de día 0 en el popular complemento de WordPress., amigo de copia de seguridad, que ha sido instalado aproximadamente…

North Korean Group Lazarus Attacks Energy Companies

Descubierta una nueva campaña de malware del grupo de hackers norcoreano Lazarus, which was active from February to

MooBot Botnet Attacks D-Link Routers

Los expertos han descubierto que la botnet MooBot, construido sobre el malware Mirai IoT, attacks vulnerable D-Link routers using a combination

Increase of supply chains attacks

FBI warned about increase of supply chains attacks

The FBI has warned private sector companies of an active

Trojan Emotet spread via Wi-Fi

Trojan Emotet is trying to spread through available Wi-Fi networks

Binary Defense analysts noticed that the new version of the

Dangerous Vulnerability in Citrix Software

Dangerous vulnerability in Citrix software is still not resolved in 20% of companies

A month after the publication of information about a dangerous

Lemon Duck Malware

Lemon Duck malware operators attack IoT vendors

TrapX Security company experts warned about a new malicious campaign.

Dangerous vulnerabilities in WhatsApp

Dangerous vulnerabilities in WhatsApp allowed compromising millions of users

Security researcher Gal Weizman from PerimeterX disclosed technical details of

Cybercriminals use pirated software

Cybercriminals increasingly use pirated software to deliver backdoors and ransomware

Cybersecurity experts once again warn that while pursuing for free

Winnti attacked Hong Kong universities

Winnti hacking group attacked Hong Kong universities

ESET experts found that during protests that began back in

Authorities can hack iPhone

US authorities can hack iPhone, but may have difficulties with Android

Although the US authorities are persistent in waging a “cryptographic

REvil (Sodinokibi) working methods

IS specialists studied working methods of the REvil (Sodinokibi) ransomware operators

Information security specialists of the Danish provider KPN applied sinkholing

Airports use vulnerable sites

97 of the 100 largest airports use vulnerable sites and web applications

Specialists from the Swiss company ImmuniWeb conducted an analysis of

Microsoft open Windows 7 source code

Free Software Foundation encourages Microsoft to open Windows 7 source code

Admit that are you already tired of the news about

Citrix Releases New Patches

Citrix releases new patches, racing with the hackers that install encryptors on vulnerable machines

carrera destructiva: Citrix lanza nuevos parches, and hackers are actively