295 Las extensiones de Chrome inyectaron anuncios en los resultados de búsqueda

AdGuard analysts have identified 295 malicious extensions in the Chrome Web Store that have been installed over 80,000,000 veces. These Chrome browser extensions injected ads into Google and Bing search results. Most of the dangerous extensions masked themselves as ad blockers and were easily found by queries such as adblock, adguard, ublock, ad blocker, y… Seguir leyendo 295 Las extensiones de Chrome inyectaron anuncios en los resultados de búsqueda

Experts discovered Chrome largest spyware installation campaign

Specialists from the company Awake Security reported about currently perhaps the largest spyware campaign for installing spyware in Google Chrome. As part of the campaign, criminals registered thousands of domains and used extensions in Chrome to install malware on victims’ dispositivos. Users installed spyware through 32,962,951 downloads of various malicious extensions. “The Awake Security ThreatSeguir leyendo Experts discovered Chrome largest spyware installation campaign