Punto de control: Los buscadores de empleo desesperados están listos para trabajar para los ciberdelincuentes

CheckPoint experts found that the number of job search ads on the darknet and on hacker forums is growing – Los solicitantes de empleo que estaban desesperados por encontrar trabajo ahora están listos para trabajar para los ciberdelincuentes.. Check Point informa que ha surgido una nueva tendencia a principios de 2021: not hackers do not postSeguir leyendo Punto de control: Los buscadores de empleo desesperados están listos para trabajar para los ciberdelincuentes

Punto de control: Los piratas informáticos aprovechan el tema BLM para realizar ataques.

Check Point analysts reported that hackers are actively exploiting the BLM (Las vidas de los negros son importantes) theme for attacks and noted increase in the activity of cybercriminals, connecting it with weakening of the isolation regime. En junio, the average number of attacks per week increased by 18% compared to May of this year. It is noted thatSeguir leyendo Punto de control: Los piratas informáticos aprovechan el tema BLM para realizar ataques.

Aplicaciones falsas de seguimiento de contactos de COVID-19 instalan troyanos bancarios

Investigadores de la empresa de IS Anomali, con sede en California, han descubierto 12 fake COVID-19 patient contact tracking apps posing as official programs. Attackers are actively exploiting the panic around the coronavirus pandemic to trick users into revealing their credentials. “Fake applications are designed to download and install malware (Anubis, SpyNote, etc.) onto devices and steal users’ financial andSeguir leyendo Aplicaciones falsas de seguimiento de contactos de COVID-19 instalan troyanos bancarios

Google Maps helps users protect themselves from COVID-19

Google has added a number of new features to its mapping service to help users protect themselves from COVID-19. Google Maps now provides travelers and people on duty with public transport information on how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect their trip. Among other updates, now the Google Maps application will display notifications of restrictions imposedSeguir leyendo Google Maps helps users protect themselves from COVID-19

Los ciberdelincuentes atacaron la UCSF, Desarrollador líder de vacunas contra el COVID-19 en EE. UU.

Usando ransomware, Los ciberdelincuentes atacaron la Universidad de California, San Francisco (UCSF), uno de los líderes en el desarrollo de una vacuna contra el COVID-19. The university administration confirmed to Bloomberg reporters that it was the victim of an “illegal invasion”, pero no especificó qué parte de la infraestructura de TI resultó dañada. UCSF experts are leaders in theSeguir leyendo Los ciberdelincuentes atacaron la UCSF, Desarrollador líder de vacunas contra el COVID-19 en EE. UU.

Fresenius, el mayor operador de hospitales privados de Europa, atacado con el ransomware Snake

Fresenius, El mayor operador hospitalario privado de Europa y el principal proveedor de productos y servicios para diálisis., se vio afectado durante el ciberataque del ransomware Snake. Según fuentes de KrebsOnSecurity, the incident disrupted some systems, pero la atención a los pacientes continúa. La empresa Fresenius, con sede en Alemania, incluye cuatro empresas independientes: Atención Médica Fresenius, a leading provider of services for people with kidneySeguir leyendo Fresenius, el mayor operador de hospitales privados de Europa, atacado con el ransomware Snake

El gigante tecnológico Jio reveló datos de personas sometidas a pruebas de COVID-19

Recientemente, India’s technology giant Jio, partly acquired by Facebook, has disclosed the confidential data of people, tested for COVID-19. En marzo de este año, Jio released a service that allows users to identify COVID-19 symptoms with their phone or website. “The service was launched in March, right before India’s nationwide lockdown was announced, and allowedSeguir leyendo El gigante tecnológico Jio reveló datos de personas sometidas a pruebas de COVID-19

Conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creating coronavirus

Microsoft founder Bill Gates fell victim of fake theories that he was allegedly involved in the creation of the coronavirus COVID-19. De hecho, conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creation of a coronavirus and intention to achieve material benefits from the pandemic. At TED conference in 2015, Bill Gates argued that the greatest threat toSeguir leyendo Conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creating coronavirus

Due to the pandemic Google developers re-enabled FTP support for Chrome

Más reciente, I wrote that Firefox developers plan to remove from their browser support for the FTP protocol, as consider it to be unsafe. Al mismo tiempo, Google re-enabled FTP support for Chrome. Google developers have been talking about abandoning FTP since 2014, since very few browser users (0.1-0.2%) usa el protocolo. In 2018,Seguir leyendo Due to the pandemic Google developers re-enabled FTP support for Chrome

El personal de la NASA enfrenta un aumento exponencial en el número de ataques de piratas informáticos

Representatives of the space agency said that recently NASA staff and home-based agency contractors suffered from increase in the number of hacker attacks, and their devices are constantly trying to gain access to malicious sites. Por lo tanto, según cifras oficiales, En los días recientes, NASA personnel have been suffering from: doubling the number of phishing attacksSeguir leyendo El personal de la NASA enfrenta un aumento exponencial en el número de ataques de piratas informáticos