Google reveló el ataque DDoS más poderoso de la historia

Esta semana, the Google Cloud team talked about a previously unknown DDoS attack that targeted a Google service back in September 2017 y alcanzó su punto máximo en 2.54 TB/seg, convirtiéndolo en el ataque registrado más poderoso de la historia. Pronto, analysts from the Google Threat Analysis Group (ETIQUETA) published their report on the incident, in which they saidSeguir leyendo Google reveló el ataque DDoS más poderoso de la historia

Los servicios en la nube de Google se utilizan para el phishing

Atacantes, whose main goal is to steal various credentials, are increasingly turning to public cloud services to host decoy files and phishing pages. Even Google services are now being used for phishing. Check Point experts warn that earlier this year they discovered a campaign, which was abusing Google cloud services. The scammers have developed anSeguir leyendo Los servicios en la nube de Google se utilizan para el phishing