El problema de Kr00k amenaza a los dispositivos con chips Wi-Fi de Qualcomm y MediaTek

A comienzos de 2020, ESET experts spoke about the Kr00k vulnerability (CVE-2019-15126), which can be used to intercept and decrypt Wi-Fi (WPA2) tráfico. Then it was reported that any devices using the solutions of Cypress Semiconductor and Broadcom, desde computadoras portátiles y teléfonos inteligentes hasta enrutadores y dispositivos IoT, are susceptible to this problem. Now there is informationSeguir leyendo El problema de Kr00k amenaza a los dispositivos con chips Wi-Fi de Qualcomm y MediaTek

Sindhi Language Symbols Disable iPhone and iPad

Users found that a messages with certain characters in the Sindhi language symbols (used primarily in India and Pakistan) disable OS 13.4.1 and crash the iPhone and iPad. A “text bomb” will affect the operation of the device, even if the user simply received a notification from Messages or WhatsApp, or from social networks (para… Seguir leyendo Sindhi Language Symbols Disable iPhone and iPad

Las vulnerabilidades permitieron el acceso a las cámaras en Mac, iPhone y iPad

Apple pagó $75,000 to the IS researcher Ryan Pickren in the frameworks of the bug bounty program for vulnerabilities in Safari, due to which it was possible to access someone else’s cameras on Mac, iPhone y iPad, simply by directing a person to a special site. En total, Picren discovered seven vulnerabilities in the AppleSeguir leyendo Las vulnerabilidades permitieron el acceso a las cámaras en Mac, iPhone y iPad