ReVoLTE attack allows overhearing other people’s conversations in LTE networks

Experts from the Ruhr University and New York University in Abu Dhabi have published information about the ReVoLTE attack, which allows decrypting and overhearing other people’s conversations on LTE networks. This attack already has its own website, and at the Usenix conference researchers demonstrated a video presentation of their report. I’d like to note thatSeguir leyendo ReVoLTE attack allows overhearing other people’s conversations in LTE networks

La vulnerabilidad IMP4GT en LTE amenaza a casi todos los teléfonos inteligentes modernos

Experts from Ruhr University reported an IMP4GT (Ataques de suplantación de identidad en redes 4G) problema. Los dispositivos modernos habilitados para LTE son vulnerables a IMP4GT, por lo tanto, amenaza a casi todos los teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, y dispositivos IoT. Un error permite simular la red del operador de otro usuario, which means an attacker will be able to issue paid subscriptions at the expense of other peopleSeguir leyendo La vulnerabilidad IMP4GT en LTE amenaza a casi todos los teléfonos inteligentes modernos