El ransomware MalLocker engaña fácilmente a los rusos, pretendiendo ser un bloqueo de pantalla de la policía

Microsoft experts talked about the new Android ransomware AndroidOS/MalLocker. (en adelante simplemente MalLocker), que engaña fácilmente a los rusos haciéndose pasar por un bloqueo de pantalla de la policía. El ransomware Android abusa de los mecanismos detrás de las notificaciones de llamadas entrantes y del botón Inicio. “Este malware está oculto dentro de aplicaciones que se distribuyen a través de varios foros y sitios de terceros.. Como… Seguir leyendo El ransomware MalLocker engaña fácilmente a los rusos, pretendiendo ser un bloqueo de pantalla de la policía

Microsoft estimó que los ataques de ransomware tardan menos de 45 acta

Microsoft analysts have prepared a traditional Digital Defense report, in which they talked about the main events and trends in the field of cybersecurity and threat analysis over the past year (from July 2019 a junio 2020). La empresa, Por ejemplo, estimated that some ransomware attacks could be carried out in less than 45 minutes.Seguir leyendo Microsoft estimó que los ataques de ransomware tardan menos de 45 acta

Se filtran los códigos fuente de Windows XP

4chan has published a 42.9 GB torrent file, which contains the source codes for several operating systems, including Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The person who published the file claims to have spent two months creating this torrent, and previously these files were distributed by data brokers only privately. The file also contains theSeguir leyendo Se filtran los códigos fuente de Windows XP

Microsoft dejó abierto uno de los servidores internos del buscador Bing

Ata Hakcil, especialista en ciberseguridad en WizCase, descubrió que los empleados de Microsoft dejaron abierto por error uno de los servidores backend de Bing – estaba disponible para cualquiera. El investigador escribe que el servidor almacenado sobre 6.5 TB de registros que contienen 13,000,000,000 entradas recibidas de un motor de búsqueda. El especialista comprobó muy bien su teoría al respecto.… Seguir leyendo Microsoft dejó abierto uno de los servidores internos del buscador Bing

Microsoft developers will stop supporting classic Edge and IE 11

Microsoft said it would stop supporting classic Edge and IE 11. The company has published a schedule for the end of support for Internet Explorer 11 y borde (a version based on its own engine). The whole process will be carried out in stages: desde noviembre 30, 2020, support for IE 11 will be discontinuedSeguir leyendo Microsoft developers will stop supporting classic Edge and IE 11

En julio «Martes de parches», solo Microsoft solucionó 123 vulnerabilidades

As part of the July update Tuesday, Microsoft engineers fixed 123 vulnerabilities in 13 different products. Any of them was under attack. In July did not reach the record of June Tuesday only a little, when were fixed129 vulnerabilities. The most serious vulnerability fixed this time is the CVE-2020-1350 problem, also known as SigRed, encontró… Seguir leyendo En julio «Martes de parches», solo Microsoft solucionó 123 vulnerabilidades

Linus Torvalds aprobó la exclusión del término esclavo, lista negra y otros del código del kernel de Linux

Más recientemente, we talked that the IT community has also returned to discussing inappropriate and offensive terminology under the influence of Black Lives Matter protests that swept across the United States (y no solo). Linus Torvalds did not stand aside and approved excluding the terms slave, lista negra, and others from the Linux kernel code. ManySeguir leyendo Linus Torvalds aprobó la exclusión del término esclavo, lista negra y otros del código del kernel de Linux

Los piratas informáticos obligan a los usuarios a resolver CAPTCHA

Microsoft analysts have discovered a malicious campaign, in which hackers force users to solve CAPTCHA before they gain access to malicious content in an Excel document. This file contains macros that install on the victims’ machines GraceWire Trojan, which steals confidential information (Por ejemplo, contraseñas). Responsibility for this campaign is put on the hacking groupSeguir leyendo Los piratas informáticos obligan a los usuarios a resolver CAPTCHA

On June “Patch Tuesday” Microsoft fixed 129 vulnerabilities in its products

“Patch Tuesday” this month became the largest in the history of Microsoft: were fixed at once 129 vulnerabilidades. Marzo 2020 con 115 corrections is in second place, y 113 corrections in April 2020 arein a third place. 100 absolutely “ridiculous” Microsoft patches were presented in February “Patch Tuesday”, but among them was the sensational 0-daySeguir leyendo On June “Patch Tuesday” Microsoft fixed 129 vulnerabilities in its products

Conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creating coronavirus

Microsoft founder Bill Gates fell victim of fake theories that he was allegedly involved in the creation of the coronavirus COVID-19. De hecho, conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creation of a coronavirus and intention to achieve material benefits from the pandemic. At TED conference in 2015, Bill Gates argued that the greatest threat toSeguir leyendo Conspiracy theorists accused Bill Gates in creating coronavirus