Operación conjunta: Incautado el mercado de la red oscura de datos personales de SSNDOB

What SSNDOB Was Before Its Servers Were Seized The US Department of Justice, Servicio de ingresos internos, and Federal Bureau of Investigation have joined forces with law enforcement authorities in Latvia and Cyprus to seize the SSNDOB darknet market. They informed the public about the operation in the official report on June 7, 2022. SSNDOB usedSeguir leyendo Operación conjunta: Incautado el mercado de la red oscura de datos personales de SSNDOB

El malware Meta Infostealer se propaga a través del spam

Meta, un malware de robo de información recientemente diseñado, is distributed via a vast spam spree. El mecanismo de inyección de ladrones dentro de esta campaña ya es bien conocido. Sin embargo, Meta es ahora una herramienta popular entre los piratas informáticos.. Por lo tanto, Son inevitables más ataques con este software pero con diferentes escenarios.. This article explains how the current malspam scheme works.Seguir leyendo El malware Meta Infostealer se propaga a través del spam

What is Cyberbullying: Cómo prevenirlo

Cyberbullying (or cyberharassment) is bullying that happens online over digital devices like mobile phones, ordenadores, etc.. Usually being an extension of real-life bullying, cyberbullying includes teasing, intimidación, threat, demonstration of dominance, coercion, insult, etc.. Just as common bullying, online harassment is repetitive aggression that emphasizes an imbalance of power. The difference is made by theSeguir leyendo What is Cyberbullying: Cómo prevenirlo

The Hidden Risks of Location Sharing on Social Networks

What You Don’t Know About Location Sharing on Social Networks Location sharing is a common feature on social networks that allow users to share their physical location with their followers. The feature is designed to enable users to share their experiences with their friends and family. Aún, it can also have negative consequences, particularly regardingSeguir leyendo The Hidden Risks of Location Sharing on Social Networks