Anonymous afirma que piratearon decenas de cámaras de CCTV en Rusia

Hacktivistas anónimos afirmaron en Twitter que habían pirateado y obtenido acceso a decenas de cámaras de seguridad internas y externas en Rusia., situado, según los hackers, En restaurantes, oficinas, escuelas y así sucesivamente. The feeds from the cameras are collected on a special site called Behind Enemy Lines, where various messages are superimposed onSeguir leyendo Anonymous afirma que piratearon decenas de cámaras de CCTV en Rusia

Especialistas en seguridad de la información revelaron detalles de cinco vulnerabilidades en los enrutadores D-Link

Loginsoft experts have reported about five serious vulnerabilities found in some models of D-Link routers. Peor aún, support for some vulnerable devices has already been discontinued, which means they will not receive patches, while PoC exploits for problems have already been made public. Among discovered by researchers problems were: reflected XSS attacks; a buffer overflowSeguir leyendo Especialistas en seguridad de la información revelaron detalles de cinco vulnerabilidades en los enrutadores D-Link

Due to pandemic, RDP and VPN usage grew by 41% y 33%

Amid of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of remote access technologies such as RDP and VPN has grown significantly, as many companies have transferred their employees to remote work, and this usually involves a remote connection to internal networks.   According to statistics from the Shodan search engine, by last Sunday, Marzo 29, 2020, el… Seguir leyendo Due to pandemic, RDP and VPN usage grew by 41% y 33%