El Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. informa sobre el desmantelamiento de una botnet rusa

RSOCKS Russian Botnet Is No More as a Result of a Joint Operation According to the June 16 report by the US Department of Justice, the activity of a Russian botnet RSOCKS has been stopped in a joint operation by the US, Alemán, Holandés, y las agencias policiales británicas. RSOCKS is responsible for hacking millionsSeguir leyendo El Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. informa sobre el desmantelamiento de una botnet rusa

Las autoridades estadounidenses arrestaron al legendario John McAfee por evasión fiscal

The US Department of Justice reported that the legendary John McAfee was arrested in Spain. The fact is that the former head of MacAfee is accused of tax avoidance, deliberate concealing of tax declarations and violation of the securities law. McAfee is currently awaiting extradition to the United States. En total, McAfee will stand trialSeguir leyendo Las autoridades estadounidenses arrestaron al legendario John McAfee por evasión fiscal

US Department of Justice accused two Russians of stealing $17,000,000 worth of cryptocurrency

The US Department of Justice brought charges in absentia against two Russian citizens: Daniil Potekhin (aka cronuswar) and Dmitry Karasavidi. The US Department of Justice accused the Russians in organizing a large-scale phishing operation against users of three cryptocurrency exchanges: Poloniex, Binance and Gemini. The two suspects are accused of creating clone sites for theSeguir leyendo US Department of Justice accused two Russians of stealing $17,000,000 worth of cryptocurrency