Consejos & Trucos

PUA:Win32/Presenoker Adware Analysis & Removal


PUA:Win32/Presenoker es un adware diseñado para ganar dinero mostrando anuncios intrusivos y recopilando datos. Este malware puede tomar el control…

USB Shortcut Virus

Virus de acceso directo USB, es un programa malicioso que altera los archivos de los discos. It is a rather old

Personal Data vs. Sensitive Data: What is the Difference?

La tecnología es cada vez más importante en nuestros hogares, negocios, y dispositivos personales. Como resultado, we are generating more personal data

Data Breach & Data Leaks

Las fugas de datos y las violaciones de datos son fenómenos muy similares con una ligera diferencia en el principio de acción.. It was


Virus:Win32/Grenam.VA!MSR es un tipo de malware que puede ingresar sigilosamente al sistema y establecer conexiones remotas.. Permite a los atacantes…

Darknet Forums and Malware Spreading: All You Need to Know

Malware Propagation On Darknet Forums

The forums on the dark web are well-known for being

Credentials Theft & Emails Scams - How to Protect?

Credentials Theft is On The Rise

Email spam has become the prevalent form of phishing and

What is Corporate Digital Footprint and How to Protect It?

How to Protect Your Digital Footprint

The modern business world has been greatly advanced by the

RDP Honeypot Counted for 3.5 Million Attacks

RDP Honeypot Was Attacked 3.5 Million Times

Con mayor trabajo remoto, IT teams use remote access tools

Third Party Data Breach

Third Party Data Breach: Definition and How to Prevent It

En el panorama digital actual, data breaches have become an alarming

Beware Email Scams Related to Summer Vacations

Beware of Vacation-Related Scams: 4 Most Prevalent Types

Email scam actors constantly try to pick a better disguise

What is BlackCat Ransomware

BlackCat Ransomware New Update Boosts Exfiltration Speed

BlackCat ransomware continues to make a fuss globally for the

Windows Key Code Is Not Valid - What Is This Page?

What is «Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated»?

Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated appears

Insider Threat: Description and Mitigation Methods

How to Defeat Insider Threat?

En el mundo digital actual, organizations face more risks than

What’s Become of Conti Ransomware?

Conti Ransomware Heritage in 2023 – What is Left?

Los grupos de ransomware van y vienen, but the people behind them

Business Email Compromise Attacks Explained

What is Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attack?

Ataque de compromiso de correo electrónico empresarial, o en breve BEC, is a relatively

DDoS for Hire Services Gain Popularity

DDoS-For-Hire Services Used by Hacktivists in 2023

Most people think you must be a hacker to participate