Consejos & Trucos

Definition of Bootkit

What is a Bootkit? Explanation & Protection Guide

Bootkit es bastante inusual y tácito., aunque es un tipo de malware muy utilizado. These advanced malware types operate beneath the

TikTok Shopping Scams On The Rise: Tips to Avoid

A medida que TikTok evoluciona hacia un mercado digital, su función de compras presenta un nuevo terreno lleno de oportunidades. Sin embargo, este cambio…

What are Facebook Job Scams and How to Avoid Them?

Facebook es probablemente la red social más utilizada a nivel mundial. Desgraciadamente, it has also become a hub for scammers to


PUABundler:Win32/CandyOpen is an unwanted program that acts as a browser hijacker and can download junk apps to your system. Específicamente,…

What Should You Do When You Get Scammed?

A medida que las estafas en línea no sólo se vuelven más generalizadas, pero también más sofisticado, it appears to be rather easy to become

Search Marquis

Search Marquis: How to prevent it

¿Qué es la búsqueda Marqués?? Search Marquis es un tipo de…


Which Deadliest Virus in History? Types to Remember

¿Cuál es el virus más mortífero de la historia?? On November 11,

What is Phone Virus And How to Detect It

Does My Phone Have a Virus? Phone Viruses Explained

Phone malware is obviously less widespread – and discussed –

Securing Remote Desktop (RDP)

Securing Remote Desktop (RDP)

En 1998, Microsoft introduced the Windows Terminal Server as an

How To Securely Store Passwords

How To Securely Store Passwords

How To Securely Store Passwords This article is about how

Antimalware Service Executable High CPU

Antimalware Service Executable

Windows Defender is a decent antivirus solution that comes in

Crimeware Attacks

How to Prevent Crimeware Attacks: Users` Guide

Puede que te encuentres con el término «software criminal» and understandably get

Symptoms Of Adware

8 Symptoms Of Adware: How to Avoid it

¿Qué significa el software publicitario?? It is an agressive software whose

Static And Dynamic Ip Address

Static And Dynamic Ip Address: Brief Comparison

Internet se basa en direcciones IP. They are divided

DNS Cache Poisoning and DNS Spoofing

DNS Cache Poisoning and DNS Spoofing

DNS poisoning and spoofing is a cyberattack that exploits vulnerabilities

Ryuk ransomware

Ryuk – Devastatingly Effective Targeted Ransomware

Ransomware is a malicious program which an attacker injects into

How to Delete Facebook Account

How to Delete Facebook Account Page Permanently

Before you delete your Facebook account, you should understand the