Consejos & Trucos

RDP Honeypot Counted for 3.5 Million Attacks

RDP Honeypot Was Attacked 3.5 Million Times

Con mayor trabajo remoto, IT teams use remote access tools to manage company devices and ensure smooth operations. Remote desktop

Third Party Data Breach: Definition and How to Prevent It

En el panorama digital actual, Las violaciones de datos se han convertido en una realidad alarmante para organizaciones e individuos.. The increasing reliance on technology

Beware of Vacation-Related Scams: 4 Most Prevalent Types

Los estafadores por correo electrónico intentan constantemente elegir un mejor disfraz para sus mensajes fraudulentos.. Verano, the time when people commonly

BlackCat Ransomware New Update Boosts Exfiltration Speed

El ransomware BlackCat continúa causando revuelo a nivel mundial por segundo año consecutivo, dirigidos a diversos sectores. La mayor parte del tiempo,…

What is «Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated»?

Windows Key Code Is Not Valid And Seems Pirated appears to be a new scary scam approach used to trick

Facebook Gives US Lawmakers the Names of 52 Firms with Deep Data Access

Facebook Gives US Lawmakers the Names of 52 Firms with Deep Data Access

Facebook has been under scrutiny for its handling of user

Age restrictions and children : what is important

Age restrictions and children : what is important

15 years ago it was hard to imagine that personal

Restore Files from Quarantine List

How To Restore Quarantined Files?

Quarantine List is a safe place where files appear after

Browser Extensions: Are They Safe?

Browser Extensions: Are They Safe?

La mayoría de nosotros sabemos qué es un navegador web.. Si…


E-mail Security: How to Stay Safe When Using Email?

It has been almost two decades or maybe a little

🛠️ How to Automatically Repair Problems in Windows

🛠️ How to Automatically Repair Problems in Windows

Por qué automatizar las reparaciones de Windows es esencial para un rendimiento fluido de la PC…

3 Easy Ways To Lock Your Windows PC

3 Easy Ways To Lock Your Windows PC

Isn’t it annoying when people use your PC without your

Best Computer Security Habits

Top 10 Computer Security Habits to Protect Your Data and Privacy

En el mundo digital actual, where data breaches and cyberattacks have

DLL files: what are they? Benefits and dangers of DLL.

DLL files: what are they? Benefits and dangers of DLL.

Have you experienced an error popup which specifies on missing

Restart Google Chrome

Restart a Google Chrome Browser Without Losing Tabs

To find much different information, sometimes we lack one site,…

Parental controls for internet safety

5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent’s Guide

The internet can be used by a wide number of

Saint’s Patrick Day’s Traps you Should Be Alert Of

Saint’s Patrick Day’s Traps you Should Be Alert Of

The historical symbol of Patric’s is used by celebrating Saint’s