android malware

Todos estamos acostumbrados a que el malware sólo afecte al PC, pero cuanto más se desarrollan los teléfonos inteligentes, cuantos más virus les aparecen.

Los virus de Android y el creciente número de víctimas demuestran que no debes proteger sólo tu PC con antivirus. Descargar aplicaciones de fuentes confiables (como Google Play Store o la aplicación de Amazon) can’t guarantee a protection of your personal life anymore. Malware for Android is evolving every day and it may lead to huge consequences, as the phone is always with you. It can track where are you going, where is your home and when you are not there, that gives criminals an opportunity to steal not just your data but rob your home. Prevenido vale por dos, we have started a new category en nuestro blog – Malware on Android.

Firstly let’s figure out what malware is.

malware, corto para software malicioso, is any program or file that is harmful to a user’s device. Malware includes computer viruses, gusanos, Trojan horses and spyware. It was created for one goalto make money on you.

It can damage your device, get access to your personal information (including bank account and personal data) or encrypt all files.


» Ransomware

El most popular type of virus now. Everyone has already heard about WannaCry, Petia, Spora and other ransomware. But they infecting only PCs, you may say. Desgraciadamente, Está usted equivocado.

The biggest Android attack was in 2014. UK and USA users received a message from allegedly FBI, that saying about an illegal activity on this phone with a list of violated federal laws. To unlock the phone you had to pay a fine. For Russians was another schemea pop-up on Google Play, that was asking a banking card information to purchase apps.

It looked like a legitimate page on a trusted source, but it wasn’t. Such type of viruses appears regularly, pero desafortunadamente, there are still a lot of people are caught on the hook. To be fear viruses becoming more unpredictable and refined so is it not so easy for a non-expert to define whether it is a malware or no. This is why antivirus is a necessity not only for PC but for your Android device also.

FBI virus Ransomware
Android attacked with FBI Virus


Wait for our next post about malware on Android. Believe me, you will be very surprised how your phone can be hacked without you even noticed it!

Por Polina Lisovskaya

Llevo muchos años trabajando como responsable de marketing y me gusta buscar temas interesantes para vosotros.

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